Everyone has dealt with a “Computer Says No” situation. You call up a customer services agent hoping for a quick resolution to a perfectly reasonable query. But “computer says no”. You go through a convoluted questionnaire, answer the questions as best you can, but “computer says no”. The customer service agent shrugs saying that they can’t do anything because the system won’t let them.
It is tempting to call the customer service agent a jobsworth, or someone who doesn’t care about their job. To hang up in frustration and curse the status of the customer service industry.
So why is modern customer service so bad? Why do we dread calling up a help line or deal with an online customer support agent (who may or may not be a bot)?
Atul Gawande’s recent New Yorker article on why medical professionals hate their computers may have an answer. Dr. Gawande is a surgeon. In the article, he talks about how the medical informations systems used in his hospital make it difficult to really look after his patients.
Hospital systems in the US (much like the NHS in the UK) have spent billions of dollars to make medical care more efficient. But when we go visit our local general practitioner, we find them struggling with their PC more than talking to us. Instead of empathy, we get distracted clicks and frowns while the doctor tries to figure out how to massage the conversation into a bunch of drop downs and radio buttons. It is a terrible experience for everyone involved.
I am an engineer, I like efficiency. I like measuring the performance of the code I write and love reading articles about how to optimise software. In this pursuit of perfection, I fear that we have optimised ourself into a corner. Our systems are optimised, everything is measured — except the misery that they inflict on those who actually have to use the system every day. Human conversations and problems cannot be modelled so easily into a workflow. Improved throughput and the need to be more efficient drive design decisions more than the need to solve a problem. So we end up systems that their users hate. These systems and workflows lead to dis-engaged employees and ultimately to terrible customer service.
The next time that someone talks about having poor customer service, don’t blame the agent. Blame the analyst who designed the convoluted workflow in the software they use and the engineer who implemented it.